Yes but no shirts


This report aims to reproduce an online business for the clothing market, a brand called “Yes but No”.

On the the company basically offers a customization service based on the “Yes but No” argument.

The “Yes but No” T-shirts are designed with statement contents that intend to be amusing, humorous and controversial. The campaign is going to be developed in an on line environment only, trying to grab attention of the online user by using the power of Social Media + Environmental issues in attempt to create a product that is well suitable to people – because it represents their feelings and way of thinking – and at the same time symbolizes a tangible sustainable attitudes– in this case the reuse of obsolete or wasted clothing.

Therefore, this piece of work aims to find ways for a brand to builds up an awareness and a consequent relationship through a product that seems adaptable to consumers wants and needs for being customizable as well as it comes close to external but overall concern which is sustainability.

But how do these “Yes but No” T- shirts look like?

Let us use Facebook – the most popular social networking service nowadays – as an example; we could have the following statement:

See the full report in here

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